How does the programme work?

Connect to your scheduled weekly Next Level lesson

We play lots of games, tell stories and explore themes through Next Level lessons
Check your library for the week's book recommendations

Each week your teacher recommends books related to the themes we are focusing on
Access tailored games, challenges and exercises direct from your teacher

Complete word games, make videos, take photos, complete quizzes and much, much more!
Tailored education at a price you can afford
From €59 per month + registration fee
Who are we for?
Bilingual kids

Native speakers

Global citizens

Heritage language speakers

Moving to or from English speaking countries

Kids in non-English speaking schools

We support parents and their children who have limited access to tailored English language programmes that suit their needs, timetable or budget.
Next Level English helps children and parents, whether native speakers or learning English as a second language, achieve better English speaking, reading and writing skills.
All courses are tailored to run alongside your school curriculum and encourage a love of reading and literacy.
Little monsters

Foster a love and joy of using English through fun play and discovery based lessons
Reading monsters

Begin learning early phonics and blending skills to begin your reading journey
Writing monsters

Building confidence through tailored literacy support, discovering a world of English
Terrific Teens

We love working with teens to get them away from exams and exjoying using English
How to join us
Book a consultation call / trial class
Choose a time that is convenient for you to discuss your child's individual needs and learn how we can support you.

We'll find the time and group that best suits you.
Our flexible times allow us to find a time that fits around your busy schedule. We'll place your child in a small group according to their needs, level and interests.

Confirm your group!
Once you've been placed you'll receive your library subscription and details on how to join your weekly online lessons.

What makes the courses fun and engaging?
Hear from parents with children in our courses now!

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader”
Margaret Fuller
Benefits for children joining our unique courses
Build confidence
Nurture a love
for reading
Broaden vocabulary
Develop literacy skills
Improve fluency and pronunciation
Stay informed about progress
We select only the world’s leading literacy products and award winning educational resources to support our learners with materials from

And our new award winning library partner for 2025!

All students receive a library subscription upon registration

Download your free handbook on
how to raise a bilingual child

This ERASMUS+ funded EU project supports European families raising bilingual and multilingual children.
As an ambassador to the project at Next Level English we share resources and practical advice to help you learn that there are many ways to successfully raise bilingual children.
Available in EN, ES, IT, DE, RO